Chewing the Fat w/ Big and Beefy | “Crazy Legs” Conti | Eric “Badlands” Booker
On this episode of “CHEWING THE FAT” with Big & Beefy Chef Rob Burmeister & Chef Clem Caserta are proud to welcome 2 of The Worlds Greatest Athletes. That’s right! Calling into the studio are none other than Major League Eating’s HOTTEST EATERS. In this corner we welcome Director, Actor, Documentarian, Nude Model, Sperm Donor and Great Competitive Eater “CRAZY LEGS” Conti. And in the other corner we welcome Famed Rapper, Headphone Creator, Subway Conductor, Husband, Wife Swap Cast Member, Reality Star , Competitive Eater and All Around Great Guy….Eric “BADLANDS” Booker. Crazy Legs will talk about eating and his movie “THE ZEN AND ART OF COMPETITIVE EATING” as well as his escapades in life. Badlands will chat it up about his Rap Career “Surf & Stillwell” as well as other albums. Also on his plate besides Hot Dogs , is a new line of Headphones he is promoting.
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